A veces pienso que salir corriendo en la mejor alternativa en ese momento preciso. Pateo problemas creyendo que en un futuro serán más fáciles de resolver o se "disolverán" (lo que el tiempo me ha demostrado todo lo contrario, pero uno lo sigue creyendo).
A veces creo que me sobre exijo.
Aveces siento que el cuerpo no me da más.
A veces siento que no se lo suficiente.
A veces quisiera re inventarme.
A veces quisiera no tomar tantas pastillas para sentirme bien.
A veces necesito amor.
A veces necesito soledad.
A veces nadie me entiende. Ni siquiera yo.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
shiny shoes
I wanna go to a wedding with a guy wearing a suit with these pair of shiny shoes!
Quiero ir a una casamiento con un hombre que use un traje con estas zapatillas brillantes!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I´ve been thinking about the meaning of happiness for so long. I realized we cant find ONE definition, ONE meaning.
Happiness is different for each person. Everyone finds it in he´s own way. Some find it in the ocean, some in the dessert. Some with non-stoping work, some traveling all year round. Some eating, some sleeping. Some in the hot sun, some in the cold snow. But the feeling is the same for everyone, and that´s what matters.
Dont you deprive for that RIGHT YOU OWN.
Feel free to do what you want. Feel free to be HAPPY. You deserve it.
What is happiness for you?
What things make YOU happy?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
AlilaVillasUluwatu. Bali.
Stunning views, cliff-top balconies overlooking the ocean, beautifully designed villas with their own pool and decking, indoor and outdoor showers and just space, so much lovely space!
Vistas impactantes, balcones sobre alcantilados con vista al mar, hermosas villas diseñadas con piscina y deck propios, duchas interiores y exteriores, y el espacio encantador!
This is one of the reasons why the Southeast Asian luxury is so incredible: They understand space. They design spaces that make you immediately feel you are not “in Kansas” any more. It is unlike anything we run into in our everyday lives, or even in our customary luxury moments.
Esta es una de las razones por las que Southest Asian Luxury es increíble: ellos entienden el espacio. Diseñan espacios que inmediatamente te hacen sentir que "your not in Kansas anymore".
This is one of the most relaxing places I´ve ever seen.
Bali has been on the top of my TO-GO list... and sadly it will still be there until some years now.
Have your ever watched "EAT, PRAY, LOVE" ? Do it. You wont regret it. I have seen it at least 5 or 6 times.
I leave this post to start a very relaxed weekend.
Este es uno de los lugares más relajantes que he visto.
Bali ha estado en mi lista de los lugares a visitar, y tristemente va a seguir estándolo un par de años más.
Alguna vez vieron la película "COMER, REZAR, AMAR" ? Haganlo. No se van a arrepentir. La he visto un mínimo de 5 o 6 veces. Y lo podría seguir haciendolo por mucho tiempo más.
Les dejo este post para que empiecen el fin de semana muy relajados.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Cigarettes and lies.
Pienso pienso y pienso. Nada positivo sale de ello.
Enciendo un cigarro. El humo se pierde. Los pensamientos se alborotan.
Sentada by my own. Quiero estar sola. La paz, las montañas.
Yo y mi cigarro.
Cuando me di cuenta, ya estaba descorchando un vino.
Vino, cigarrillos y pensamientos.
Noche de cigarras y montañas. Solo yo y el humo que se esfuma.
Unas gotas empiezan a caer. Me mojan, no me molestan.
La lluvia empieza a ser intensa. Es agradable.
Me imagino entre las olas.
Me levanto a caminar entre la lluvia. Me moja, me renueva.
Llovio toda la noche. Llovio todo el día.
El vino se acabo. Los cigarrillos se volvieron cenizas.
Mis pensamientos siguen intactos. Planifico.
Siempre algo sale positivo.
O al menos las mentiras hasta yo me las creí.
I think and think. Nothing positive comes out of it.
I light a cigarette. The smoke is lost. Thoughts fuss.
Sitting by my own. I want to be alone. Peace and mountains.
Me and my cigarette.
When I realized, was already uncorking a wine.
Wine, cigarettes and thoughts.
Night of cicadas and mountains. Just me... and the smoke is gone.
Drops begin to fall. I get wet, do not bother me.
The rain begins to be intense. It's nice.
I imagine the waves.
I get up to walk in the rain. I get wet, I get renewed.
It rained all night and then all day.
The wine is over. Cigarettes became ashes.
My thoughts are still intact. I Planned.
Whenever something goes positive.
Or at least I still believed the lies.
Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Loft 24-7 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ideally, wouldn't we all like to live in a climate where outdoor living is possible year-round? And wouldn't we love to live in a space where the divide between indoors and outdoors is non-existent?
Lo ideal no seria que vivamos en un clima que nos permita estar al aire libre todo el año? y no nos encantaría vivir en un espacio donde la división entre interior y exterior no existiera?
The architect has erased the barriers by using "outdoor" elements inside and "indoor" elements outside and creating easy visual links between the two. Limestone, rough stone, steel, glass, wood paneling and furnishings that speak to the architect's modernist style, all create a harmonious, seamless environment where you are never quite in and never quite out.
La arquitecta ha eliminado las barreras utilizando elementos de exterior en el interior y elementos de interior en el exterior y así como también creando enlaces de una fácil visual entre estos dos. Piedra caliza, piedra en bruto, acero, vidrio, paneles de madera y muebles que hablan de un estilo moderno de la arquitecta, todo ello crea un ambiente de armonía, un entorno integrado en el cual nunca estas del todo adentro ni del todo afuera.

architect: Fernanda Marques.
Hope all you like this loft as I do.
Espero que a todos les guste este loft como a mi.
fernanda marques,
sao paulo
Monday, August 29, 2011
LA Light.
It only takes 3 minutes to watch this... it´s an amazing video for full secreen view.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Very often and ever since I can remember, I've found myself pairing songs with my mood, moments and situations in my life.
I love music, but I guess that is a common thing we all share, so to me, a lot of songs mean much more, they mark moments in my life, memories and the people I have shared them with, I guess you can say, there is indeed a soundtrack to my life.
Today there is a song buzzing me and although people around me constantly ask me to not play songs on repeat, I just cant help it...
I love this song and randomly found it last night...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
there is something about the BEACH.
There is something about the beach that makes my heart beat faster: Is that fog peace, the sound of the waves, the sun burning my skin, the wind crashing in my face.
Desirous of a sunset on the coast, a wooden lanai shared with people with good vibes, a friend with whom to run to the sea and waves that fervently embrace me.
Peace, warmth, color, sand, love, burn, smile, fog, freshness.
Hay algo de la playa que me hace latir el corazón con más fuerza: Es esa paz de la bruma, el sonido de las olas, el sol quemado mi piel, el viento chocando contra mi cara.
Deseosa de un atardecer en la costa, un lanai de madera compartido con personas con buenas vibras, un amigo con quien correr al mar y olas que me abracen con fervor.
Paz, brisa, calor, color, sonrisa, bruma, arena, amor, ardor.
Desirous of a sunset on the coast, a wooden lanai shared with people with good vibes, a friend with whom to run to the sea and waves that fervently embrace me.
Peace, warmth, color, sand, love, burn, smile, fog, freshness.
Hay algo de la playa que me hace latir el corazón con más fuerza: Es esa paz de la bruma, el sonido de las olas, el sol quemado mi piel, el viento chocando contra mi cara.
Deseosa de un atardecer en la costa, un lanai de madera compartido con personas con buenas vibras, un amigo con quien correr al mar y olas que me abracen con fervor.
Paz, brisa, calor, color, sonrisa, bruma, arena, amor, ardor.
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Photos taken with Instagram. |
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sometimes we do not realize what we have until we lose it, itself, is an old and very used phrase, but really accurate. Facts are facts.
In life today, we are guided by a capitalism that makes us lose our heads in those things that only satisfy us financially ... and dont you have noticed that at home we have a family? yes, of course, they also live immersed in this capitalist world,we cannot blame them, to which we conform this world and follow its rules every day.Poor sleep, exercising sometimes and never living.This is how we walk the path of daily life many people. Leaving the "heart" and all our strength to work for getting more and more money there ... for what?Travel more, walk the streets, smile always, enjoy the food, love your family,hug.Live life.
"We live concern about a capitalism absurd, meaningless material things ... that after all, are useless."
A veces no nos damos cuenta de lo que tenemos hasta que lo perdemos, sí, es una frase vieja y muy usada, pero realmente certera. Hechos son hechos.
En la vida actual, nos guiamos por un capitalismo que nos hace perder la cabeza en aquellas cosas que solo nos satisfacen económicamente... y no se han dado cuenta que en casa tenemos una familia? sí, claro, ellos también viven inmersos en este mundo capitalista, que no podemos culpar, al cual nos amoldamos y seguimos sus reglas cotidianamente.
Dormir poco, ejercitarse a veces, vivir nunca.
Así es como transitamos el camino de la vida diariamente muchas personas. Dejando "el corazón" y todas nuestras fuerzas en el trabajo y en conseguir más y más dinero que nos sirve... para qué?
Viajá mas, caminá la calle, sonreí siempre, disfrutá la comida, ama a tu familia, abrazá más.
Vive la vida.
"Nos vivimos preocupando en un capitalismo absurdo, en cosas materiales sin sentido... que al fin y al cabo, son useless".
Enjor nature. Enjoy the little things in life. Feel free to change. FEEL FREE.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
U.S. artist and filmmaker. Pop Art creator. Vangard-art. He stated quotes that last til today. For that and much more: My little tribute.
Artista plástico y cineasta estadounidense. Creador del Art Pop. Arte de vanguardia. Declaró frases que perduran hasta la actualidad. Por eso y por mucho más: Mi pequeño homenaje.
...and here with the amazing argentinian artist: Marta Minujin.
... y acá con la increíble artista argentina: Marta Minujin.
His legacy in fashion was as or bigger than his paintings or films. From wallets to ski jackets, to shoes, watches and countless objects.
Su legado en la moda fue tan o más grande que sus pinturas o sus filmes. Desde billeteras hasta camperas de ski, pasando por zapatos, relojes y un sinfin de objetos.
His head sentence was "In the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame."
Su frase de cabecera fue "En el futuro todos tendrán sus 15 minutos de fama."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
If It’s Important, You’ll Find A Way. If It Isn’t, You’ll Find An Excuse.

Some people dream of success, others make it happen. Of course, you can dream as much as you like but waiting for things to happen gets you nowhere. Get active and start making things happen.
Whatever journey your path takes you on, the most important thing is to have passion in what you do.
How many of you went to college, got your degree, and ended up doing something totally unrelated to your major? Studying it did not make you passionate about it. It wasn’t your path.
Education or even talent aren’t worth much without passion. So do the stuff that you love and you've always wanted to do because without it, you'll feel stuck and unfulfilled. Make this year the turning point in your life. When you do what you love you will be rewarded — it will just flow naturally.
Look at those around you who just make things happen. They have a clear goal in mind and they know where they want to go. They don't always have a plan but they have the passion and the tenacity to make it work, and they achieve their goals as the end result.
If something important to you, you WILL find a way. If it isn't, you'll find an excuse. It’s that simple. Find your way. Make it work, whatever it takes. Are you 10 kilos heavier than you should be? It is simple: Commit, go to that gym every day, no excuses, and train until you lose those 10 kilos. When you accomplish this, you'll have the confidence to do more. Set a goal and make it happen.
Want to stop smoking? Stop making excuses, take control of your circumstances before they take control of you.
Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life, it's about what you inspire others to do and when you do accomplish something as simple as quitting smoking or losing weight, you'll inspire others to do the same. Anyone can change the world, and everybody should try. And it all starts with your own life.
Stop waiting for the perfect time to do what you want to do. Do it now.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I very often find myself daydreaming about what could have been and how different things would be, but things happen for a reason...Life is too beautiful and it goes way too fast to be stuck in the past.
We don't know what the future will bring, but I am happy and I am enjoying my way towards it, hoping for the best and sooner or later, everything will fall into place, if is meant to be that is...
We don't know what the future will bring, but I am happy and I am enjoying my way towards it, hoping for the best and sooner or later, everything will fall into place, if is meant to be that is...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
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